ARC Review: Wicked Beat by Olivia Cunning


Wicked Beat comes out on August 6, 2013. Pre-order here!

So I’ve loved Sticks since I started reading this series. He’s presh. (yes, I said presh!) If you’ve read the other books you’ll remember his very memorable scene in Backstage Pass (spends a few minutes remembering) and that he enjoys watching. *that’s right* And now it’s his turn to fall in love…hip hip hooray! 

Rebekah or “Reb” is filling in as the front of house soundboard operator while her brother, Dave, is recovering from the band’s bus crash. She has a knack for picking jobs that typically men do, like trying to be a mechanic, oil-rigger or crab fisherman, and this is job is no different. She is obsessed with proving herself, but it’s a little hard when everything thinks you’re adorable and therefore not capable. Reb and Eric are attracted to each other right off the bat, but it takes a little bit for Reb to take her focus off of Trey and realize how great Eric is. Once they come together its like “BAM” they are in love. I’m not joking, it happens overnight! I don’t always like this in books, but these books aren’t trying to be super realistic. They are about a super famous rock band with larger than life rockers! So yeah, I think rock stars can fall in love overnight. It makes sense in my mind and that’s all that matters!

There are quite a few little hurdles they have to jump in the race towards their HEA. Crazy parents, old flames, illnesses, self-consciousness…are just a few of these things.  I love how the rest of the band pulls together and supports Eric. You know he has been searching for a family, and you get to see him realize that he already has them and Reb is the cherry on top. 

What I loved- Trey! In the beginning, I wanted to scold him and tell him to leave Reb and Eric alone and let Eric have his chance. But you start to realize that everything Trey did was to bring Reb and Eric together. He’s just sneaky about it. Also, when Trey takes care of the “Isaac Issue!” haha

I loved all the role play and costumes they play with! Most of the time I was laughing my butt off while I read it, but it was so funny! It was definitely different than the other books that are full of “normal” sex…can rock star sex be called normal? I don’t know. It was different, that’s my point.

Eric’s birthday was super cute. *points for Reb*

Overall, I think this is a great addition to The Sinners on Tour series!

My Eric and Reb-



**I received this book from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.